About Mespil Hotel

All devices are now completely secure on the hotel network with HP’s protect, detect and recover security features.
Pages Printed
Supporting over 500,000 pages printed annually.
Decrease of 25% in the number of devices required due to HP’s balance deployment strategy.
The Mespil Hotel achieved a reduction of 95% on PO requisition’s related to print environment and a 32% reduction in printing costs by moving to a managed solution.
28% more energy efficiency as a result of the new HP devices.
The Challenge
No print strategy or polices in place. Multiple vendor and device types leading to time consuming supplies replenishment processes. Aged devices were leading to increased printer downtime and more time taken by staff to resolve issues.
The Solution
Following an in depth print audit, a selection of HP PageWide and LaserJet devices were deployed across the hotel. This standardised the user experience and gave improved speeds and print quality. It has removed the need for any staff to be involved in the support of the printer network, allowing them more time to spend spoiling their guests!
The Results
“The managed print solution eliminated the headaches around the day to day running of the printers.”