If there’s one thing most people roll their eyes at in business, it’s the introduction of yet another acronym or set of initials that we have to fathom out the meaning of and start throwing around in conversation like we know what we’re talking about. At Stacked, we’re always the first to keep things simple (straightforward language, clear tone, and to-the-point services, products, and solutions ), but we have to admit, there’s a term on everyone’s lips right now that we’re big fans of shouting about. That term is all about the importance of setting goals within ESG.
Environmental, Social and Governance goals, to give the initiative its full name.
You may not necessarily have heard of ESGs before, but essentially, they’re the environmental and social facets of the The UN’s Sustainability Development Goals. We’re fans because we feel this is where the work we do at Stacked can really support our customers as they plan their own ESG goals – especially when we consider the role of IT in helping businesses to become more sustainable organisations. It’s true, we like putting the IT into sustainability.
Don’t pretend you didn’t love the title of this piece.
When a business maps out their ESGs, this can help them to manage their effect and impact on wider society and the environment. The goals are not only something to aspire to, but also help to hold the organisation accountable in terms of how sustainable their practices and models really are for a better world. We believe that IT can play a significant part in this, so if your organisation is currently mapping out its ESG policy, please do read on.
At Stacked, we invest in our people just as much as we do in our products, and so in ensuring that both are of great quality, we know that our staff will always give our customers the best guidance possible around their specific needs. This means that we’ll tell you if the purchase you want to make is viable for your business, and not just a waste of your cash that will see it gathering dust in a corner within weeks, whilst you frantically scrabble around to find the budget for the next piece of kit that will supposedly solve all your problems.
Some products are merely, well, products of good marketing, but when you chat with us about your business needs, we’ll tell you if they’re products that actually serve your purpose. What’s more, we’ll reduce your spend as well as your carbon footprint, by advising around tech innovations and digital solutions that can actually do the job of several separate products (or services) in one go.
One of the main things businesses of all shapes and sizes are doing to make a commitment to a more sustainable future (for themselves and for the planet), is to improve their energy efficiency by evaluating not only what is used in their organisation, but also how it’s used. We know we’re well known for our Managed Print Services here at Stacked, but people who print out emails? We’re looking at you…
We live in a world where sustainability is no longer a paper exercise (oooh ask us about paper). In addition, we live in a world where not only should businesses take sustainability seriously and showcase their commitment, but where customers will spend their money where their morals are in response. Back in 2015, an independent study commissioned by Smartest Energy stated that 81% of people prefer to buy from sustainable sellers, with those same 4 out of 5 people describing themselves as likely to choose a brand with a positive approach to environmental sustainability. With the environment big on everyone’s agenda in a climate-changing world, these stats and these causes were only ever going to grow in prominence.
A 2022 report from Accenture (The Sustainable Consumer: Bridging the Gap Between Aspiration and Action) details that 80 per cent of people living right here in Ireland want to live more sustainably, and that 40% of Irish citizens have already started to make this commitment by reducing the number of new items they’re buying. This suggests that as well as choosing their products carefully, consumers will be choosing their suppliers carefully, too. The report shows that Irish consumers are actively looking to support and buy from companies and organisations who share that goal of sustainability, with 70% reportedly claiming that they’re more likely to purchase from a brand if it describes itself as ‘eco-friendly’. With a huge 92% of these customers believing that businesses should be doing more to prove this claim, however, organisations find themselves in a situation whereby they’re not going to buy their customers’ loyalty with just a fancy tagline.
IT is a significant area for businesses to think about right now, not only as they hope to achieve sustainable goals, but as they hope to win sustainable custom. So, spend with us, and the odds of you keeping your customers happy are clearly stacked in your favour.