Cyber Security, Christian Slater, or both?
Allow us to be the ones to share an uncomfortable truth.
Cyber Security isn’t solely a threat to businesses thanks to advances in hacking or the sophistication of the tools used to carry it out.
It’s a threat to businesses because in most cases, organisations are leaving themselves wide open for hackers to walk right in through the front door.
Cyber Security – or if you prefer things to sound a little more exciting, ‘the threat of a cyber attack’ – will remain a number one concern for many small and large organisations as we continue into 2023, in the post-Covid ‘Golden era’ for cyber attacks that continues to see criminals take full advantage of the pandemic. Of course, it’s not just the number or likelihood of attacks that are the issue, either, as businesses get more savvy to the fact that pretty much everyone’s a target, these days. It’s no longer just like in the movies, where big banks and classy casinos are the hub of the heists. Healthcare, Education, and Utilities are just three industries who’ve proved recently to have massive targets on their backs from the hackers.
With the onset of any advancing attack, an appropriate defending, erm, defence needs to be upping its game. This is especially the case for organisations who employ hybrid or remote workers, and therefore have a duty of care to protect those off-site staff as well as the data they have access to when working outside of the cosy secure space of the central office.
Your central office IS nice and secure with this Cyber stuff, right?
Don’t worry if the answer to that question is along the lines of “ummmmm…”. You’re not alone. All businesses can and should be doing more to protect themselves right now, and to support this, we’re doing more to protect our clients within those businesses.
At Stacked, we have direct access to the most reputable and most globally revered suppliers of hardware and software. HP*, McAfee, Dell, Lenovo, Apple… we’re proud to partner with all of them. We know that you love and trust those brands, and we want you to be buying their stuff from us, so that not only can we get you some great deals, but so we can also get you the right deal for what your business actually needs. Cyber Security is scary (no doubt about it), but this means that the market is ripe for companies to sell to a scared buyer (giving them what they think they need rather than have a conversation first), or even worse, use scare-tactics at this sensitive time to up-scare. Sorry, up-sell.
I know it’s easy for us to claim we don’t do this, but our reviews from our many many clients prove that as well as making the right sales, we give the right advice before you even reach for the company credit card. Chances are, you’re already pretty safe – you just need us to supply you with stuff that takes you from water-resistant to water-tight.
Land-based analogies are also available.
And please don’t submerge your tech in water… it rarely ends well (we’ve tried).
Where were we?
If you’re reading this and you’re running a business that doesn’t rely on tech in some way or another… then we’d love to see it. Tech is everywhere, and it underpins more business operations than we often realise. But with rapid advances in technology and the inevitable toll taken on IT assets as we go about our daily operations, tech can fast become a cost liability (liabil-IT, if you will). Add in the headache of security, and you start to wonder if you might just be better running your business with a pen and some Post-It Notes.
Our Asset Recovery Service (ARS)* – in partnership with Lenovo but covering all brands – is an in-demand service at Stacked that helps our customers responsibly dispose of any hardware that’s no longer fit for purpose. In turn, it generates the maximum possible value for any disposed techy assets. Nice, right? It’s fully customisable to your needs, too – and even covers the safe, secure, and documented disposition of data. And if you don’t know your ARS from your elbow, the team at Stacked are here to walk and talk you through every step of the service, so you’re covered. Your ARS is covered, so to speak.
One more thing before we leave you to buy those Post-Its you’ve not been able to stop thinking about since we mentioned them. Unless you’re an Apple devotee, chances of wanting to get all of your kit from one supplier is both slim to none and, in addition, not advisable, given the fact that your Cyber Security needs will be as diverse as your company. In buying from us at Stacked, we search the market and deal with different suppliers on your behalf as a single point of contact, leaving you free to get on with running your (safe and secure) business. We’ll select the suppliers, source the best deals, and only offer you what you need. Our customer service in IT is hugely responsive (as our reviews will prove), and rather than saying we’ll get rid of your headache, we’ll do our best to make sure you don’t have one in the first place.
*We’re big fans of HP. Security for their devices and in Managed Print Services (one of our specialities) is a big thing for them in the form of Wolf Security, and Christian Slater did a whole slew of ads for them. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, really, but on the off-chance you’re a fan of Christian Slater, that’s probably quite a fun fact to end this blog on.